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( aukera)

  • 1 aukera

    a. choice, option; \aukeran, gorria nahiago nuke in choosing, I' d prefer the red one; \aukeraaren maukera, azkean okerra with so much to choose from, the choice is bad in the end
    b. alternative, elective; bi \aukeraren hautatu to choose between two alternatives
    2. ( hauta daitekeen gauza multzoa) selection, range, variety; \aukera handiagoa duzu denda hartan you' ve got a greater selection at that shop
    3. ( abagunea) opportunity, occasion; gizonak ez zuen ikasteko \aukera handirik izan the man didn' t have much of an opportunity to learn
    4. ( e-r egiteko gaitasuna, e.a.) ez dugu hori egiteko \aukera izan we haven' t been able to do that; gero hori egiteko \aukera izango duzu later you' ll be able to do that | later you' ll have an opportunity to do that

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aukera

  • 2 aukera

    surtido, gama, abundancia,/ opción, elección

    Glosario Euskera Español > aukera

  • 3 galdu

    a. ( oro.) lost; e-r \galdutzat hartu to give sth up for lost; \galdu gordean i. on the verge of being lost ii. ( noraezean) drifting; \galduan gelditu to wind up the loser ; "Paradisu G\galdua" "Paradise Lost"
    b. ( p., moral aldetik) perverse, depraved, corrupt; emakume \galdu shady lady; mundu \galdu honetan in this perverse world
    2. ( drogazalea, mozkortia, e.a.) incorrigible, hopeless du/ad.
    a. to lose; \galduta dago it's lost; itxaropena galdu to lose hope ; ondasuna eta osasuna \galdu zuen he lost his wealth and health
    b. ( beso, hanka, e.a.) to lose; besoa \galdu zuen he lost an arm; bizia galtzeko arriskuan dabil he's risking his life; hogei kilo \galdu zituen lau hilabetetan he lost twenty kilos in four months
    c. ( ikusmena, entzumena) to lose
    d. ( senarra, umea) to lose
    a. ( behar bezala ez baliatu) to waste; astirik \galdu gabe without wasting time; aukera ederra \galdu zuten they missed a golden opportunity ; ez dago denborarik galtzeko there's no time to lose
    b. ( ez hartu) to miss; autobusa \galdu zuen he missed the bus ; astakeria izango litzateke aukera eder hau galtzea it would be stupid to {miss || pass up} this stupendous opportunity
    3. ( suntsitu) to ruin, spoil; erru horrek \galdu zuen that mistake ruined him; ardoak \galdu gintuen wine was our ruin | wine ruined us ; oi harrokeria, zenbat \galdu dituzun! o pride, you have ruined so many!
    4. ( garaitua izan, ez lortu)
    a. to lose apustua \galdu to lose a bet; miloika euro \galdu zuen jokoan he gambled away millions of euros
    b. Kir. lau eta huts \galdu zuten they lost four to nothing
    5. txakurren beldurra \galdu behar duzu you've got to get over your fear of dogs da/ad.
    1. [-(r)i] to lose; giltzak \galdu zaizkit I'll lost my keys
    2. ( bidetik at gelditu) to get lost; bidean \galdu ziren they got lost along the way; \galduak goazela ikusirik seeing that we were lost; laberintoan \galdua lost in the labyrinth
    3. ( desagertu, suntsitu) to be lost; gure arraza ez dadin gal so that our race won't be lost; begien bistatik zeharo \galdu zen arte until he dropped completely out of sight
    4. ( txartu, suntsitu) to be lost
    b. ( esnea, e.a.) to go bad, go off (GB)
    c. Naut. to sink, be lost

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > galdu

  • 4 adio

    1. goodbye!, bye-bye Lagunart. ; \adio esan to say goodbye; ez \adiorik! farewell for now!
    2. eta \adio haren aukera guztiak and it was curtains to all his chances; \adio esan to give up; \adio esan zion diru guztiari he gave up all of his money

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > adio

  • 5 aizina

    iz. (I)
    1. ( aukera on) opportunity, right moment; Aitari erraiteko \aizina bila zebilen he was looking for the right moment to tell Father
    2. ( astia) free time, leisure; ez dute \aizinarik they have no free time

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aizina

  • 6 aldarte

    a. ( osasunari d.) disposition; zuk beti \aldarte ona duzu you' re always well-disposed
    b. ( umorea) mood; \aldarte onak good moods; gaur ez dago \aldarte oneko he' s not in a good mood; \aldarteak hartzen badu if the mood strikes him; \aldarte onetan oso zen atsegin she was very nice when she was in a good mood
    c. ( ilargia) phase
    d. ( eguraldi) season; han ez da eguraldi \aldarterik over there there are no seasons in the weather
    e. ( tarte) interval; uzten ditu bizirik gaiztoak, \aldartez, batzutan sometimes, occasionally He lets bad people live; \aldartez bai, \aldartez ez sometimes it is, sometimes it isn' t; \aldartez eguzkia ateratzen zen the sun came out now and then
    f. trial, distress; gero heldu zitzaizkien \aldarteak eta atsekabeak formala. later on they had trials and tribulations visited upon them formala.
    a. ( unea) moment; zeren Jainkoa baitan ez da ez orenik ez \aldarte gaitzik for in God there is neither time nor bad moments
    b. ( aukera) occasion; \aldarte guztiez baliatu ziren they took advantage of every occasion
    3. \aldarteak sudden changes, vicissitudes
    4. Arkaismoa. ( aldiria, ingurua) area; \aldarte haietan in those areas
    5. Arkaismoa. ( aldaketa) Jaungoikoarengan \aldarterik eta mudantza egiazkorik ez da gertatzen there are no true changes and variations as far as God' s concerned

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > aldarte

  • 7 baztertu

    a. to leave out, omit, exclude
    b. (gizarteko taldea, alderdi politikoa, e.a.) to marginalize, exclude
    d. (litekeena, teoria) to rule out, discard
    e. (aukera, hautakizun) to discard, exclude
    f. (litekeena, teoria) to rule out, discard
    a. (beste herriratu, aberritik bidali, kanporatu) to exile, banish, expel
    b. Kristau. Elizatik \baztertu to {expel || excommunicate} from the Church
    2. not to count on
    3. (alderatu) to keep out
    b. to keep off; handik begiak \baztertu ezinik unable to keep his eyes off her
    4. to do without; badaukat holako jakia baztertzea I can do without such food; ez daukagu jan-edanak baztertzerik we can't {do || go} without food and drink
    5. (ezkutatu) to hide, put away
    6. (galarazi, ekidin) to avoid, avert, impede; holako istripuak baztertzeko, bidea konpondu behar da in order to prevent accidents, the road must be repaired
    7. (txokoratu) to put away (in a corner) ; liburu horiek \baztertu zituzten they put those books away
    a. to depose, oust, unseat
    b. kargotik \baztertu to remove from office
    9. (agindu, lege) to break, go against
    10. aurpegia ez zuen \baztertu he didn't turn his face da/ad.
    1. to withdraw, retreat, retire (- ra: to) ; soldaduak mendietara \baztertu ziren the soldiers withdrew into the hills
    a. \baztertu pixka bat! move over a little!
    b. (umeei, kalean daudela, espaloira joateko esaten zaiena) \baztertu! get over to the {right || left} | keep to the side! ; haiei lekua uztearren horma ondora \baztertu nintzen I scooted over towards the wall to make room for them
    3. (alderatu) bidetik \baztertu to go astray, stray off the path

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > baztertu

  • 8 egokiera

    a. fit
    b. accommodation
    2. ( komenigarritasuna) convenience
    3. ( aukera ona, abagune ona) chance, occasion; arraina jateko \egokiera noiz izango jakin nahi zuen he wanted to know when he would have the chance to eat fish; lehen \egokieran at the first chance

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > egokiera

  • 9 esku

    a. Anat. ( oro.) hand; ekarri \esku! give me your hand!; \eskuari eragin to wave one's hands
    c. [ izenen aurrean ] hand-, manual, handi-; pocket-; \eskulan handiwork; \esku hiztegi pocket dictionary
    d. (irud.) ahotik \eskura ad-libbing; \esku bika with both hands; \esku beteak ditu to be experienced | to have seen a thing or two \esku biekin jantzi dress up ; \eskua eman to give up ; i-i \eskua eman to shake sb's hand ; i-i \eskua {eman || luzatu} to give sb a hand; \eskua hartu to take sb's hand ; \eskua luzatu i. to stretch one's hand ii. (irud.) to lay one's hand; \eskua luzatzen badiozu, ikusiko duzu if you lay a hand on him you'll see what happens; besteenganako sentiberatasuna da handitu behar dugun gaitasunetako bat, eta, horretarako, \eskua luzatu behar diogu, eta bihotza ukitu lagun hurkoari one of the talents that needs to be greatly magnified is sensitivity to others, and this involves reaching out and touching another heart; \eskua sartu to intervene; ezin dugu \eskua sartu arazo horretan we cannot intervene in that matter ; \eskuak ezarri to lay one's hands ( gainean: on) ; \esku-\eskuan at one's reach ; \eskuan dirua cash \eskuan erosi to pay cash for ; \eskuan ordaindu to pay in cash; \eskuan zuloa du Kir. he's got butterfingers | he's always missing the ball; \eskutik \eskura from hand to hand; \eskutik \eskurako tabako contraband tobacco; e-r \eskutik utzi to let go of sth ; \eskuz aldatu to change hands; \eskuz egin to make... by hand, handmake; eskuz \esku from hand to hand ; \eskuz jo to punch; \esku artean on one; \esku artean duzun zeregina bukatutakoan when you're finished that matter at hand; ez da inor aterako hemen \esku arteko lana amaitu arte nobody is leaving here until the work we've got at hand is finished
    2. ( irismena) reach; \eskutik hurrun out of reach; \eskumenean within one's reach
    3. generosity; \esku laburra izan to be stingy; \esku zabal generosity; \esku zabalez generously
    a. ( ahalmena) power, authority; i-i \esku eman to authorize sb; i-i \eskua kendu to strip sb of authority; \esku handiko gizona a powerful man ; \esku luzeak ditu he's got far-reaching powers ; \esku dut zuen gainean I'm over you ; noraino heltzen dira lehendakari baten \eskuak? what are the limits to the president's powers? ; horretan ez zuen \eskurik he had no authority over that; ez du lurralde honetan \eskurik he has no jurisdiction over this territory
    b. (-(r)en) zure \esku da it's up to you | it depends on you
    c. ( kontrola) control; etsaien \eskuetan erori zen hiria the city fell into enemy hands | the city fell under enemy control; \esku onetan dago it's in good hands; herrialdea armadaren \esku dago the territory is under army control
    d. ( baimena) authorization, permission, consent \eskurik gabe without {authorization || permission}
    e. ( hautakizuna, aukera) prerogative
    a. ( erantzukizuna) reponsibility; horretan ez dut \eskurik I'm not {answerable to || responsible for} that; eginkizun hori Supermanen \esku {jarri || utzi} zuten that task was left to Superman ; eginkizun hori bere \esku hartu zuen he took it upon himself to do that task
    b. etorkizuna zure \esku dago the future is up to you
    6. Kartak. dealer; nork du \esku? who's dealing? | whose deal is it?
    a. (idazkera) handwriting ; \esku ederra beautiful handwriting
    b. nire \eskuaz idatzi nuen I wrote it by my own hand
    8. Nekaz. detail ; zazpiko \eskua a work detail of seven

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > esku

  • 10 hautaketa

    1. election
    a. ( aukera) choice, selection; ez dakit \hautaketa onik egin duten I don't know if they've made a good choice
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \hautaketa-batzorde selection committee

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hautaketa

  • 11 hautu

    iz. ( aukera) choice, option; ez dute batere \hautu txarra egin they didn't make a bad choice at all io.
    1. choice, select, exquisite, prime; ardorik onenak eta \hautuenak eskatu zituzten they ordered the best, most select wines ; New Yorkeko auzorik \hautuenean in the choicest neighbourhood of New York
    2. (p.) select, best; Angolako idazlerik ospetsuenak eta \hautuenak the most prestigous and most select writers of Angola
    3. ( bikaina) excellent, fine

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hautu

  • 12 hutsarte

    1. ( husgunea) cavity, empty space
    2. ( astia) spare time
    3. ( aukera) opportunity
    a. ( tartea) interval, distance; erlauntza batetik bestera uzten da hiru urratseko \hutsarte bat a distance of three paces is left between the beehives; 8 minutuko \hutsarteak eight minute intervals
    b. ( etena) break, interruption
    c. Kir. time-out
    5. ( gabezia, eza) lack, want

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hutsarte

  • 13 itxura

    [from Cast. "hechura" from Lat. "factura"] iz.
    a. ( antza) shape, form; ilunpetan giza \itxura bat ikusi zuen she saw a human figure in the darkness
    b. ( isla) outline
    c. (esa.) \itxura hartu to make out, figure out; esaldi horri ez diot \itxurarik hartzen I can't figure that sentence out | I can't make heads or tails of that sentence
    2. ( egoera) shape, condition; makina horrek \itxura txarra du that machine looks like it's in bad shape; \itxura onean \\ txarrean ikusten zaituztet you look good \\ bad
    3. ( irudia) image; Ama Birjinaren \itxura a figure of the Virgin Mary
    a. aspect, configuration; \itxura denez apparently | from the looks of it
    b. ( aukera) Antwerpena gauerdiko heldu garenik, ez du \itxura handirik there's little probability that we will reach Antwerp by midnight
    a. appearance; mutil horrek aitaren \itxura du that boy takes after his father ; insektuak hostoaren \itxura hartu zuen the insect imitated a leaf
    b. appearance, aspect; \itxura gorde to keep up appearances; \itxuraren jabea da he is as good as he looks ; \itxurak tronpagarriak izan daitezke appearances can be deceiving; \itxura hutsa da it's mere show; gaixo-\itxurak egin zituen he played sick | he acted sick
    6. ( funtsa, oinarria) grounds, basis; \itxurarik ez duen gezurra a {baseless || groundless} lie; orain ere euria \itxurarik gabe ari du even now it is pouring down something fierce (USA)
    7. personification, representation; -(r)en \itxura egin to embody, personify, represent

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > itxura

  • 14 kinka

    1. critical moment; \kinka larri hartan at that critical moment; \kinka gaiztoan gaude we're in a nasty situation
    2. ( aukera, abagadunea) time, moment; \kinka onean aurkituko dugu you'll find it in your own good time; jauzi egiteko \kinkan on the verge of jumping | about to jump

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > kinka

  • 15 nahiago izan

    [ du/ad.] to prefer; hori \nahiago izan dut I'd rather have that one | I prefer that one; zu etortzea \nahiago izan nuke I'd prefer you to come; liburuak \nahiago izan ditut diskoak baino I prefer books to records; nik \nahiago izan ditut gezur horiek, erakutsi nahi diguten egia baino I prefer those lies to the truth they want to show us
    Jakingarria: Norbaiti galdetzen bazaio \ldblquote zer nahi duen", would prefer erabili ohi da, aukera bi gauzaren artekoa baldin bada, eta would rather a ukera bi ekintzaren artekoa izanez gero, adib. would you prefer coffee or tea? | would your rather go to the beach or the mountains? Galdera-mota honi erantzuteko, honako hauek erabili ohi dira I would rather {he || she} would rather edo I'd rather, he'd || she'd} rather, e.a. | Would you prefer coffee or tea? I'd rather have tea, please | Would you like to go out No, I'd rather stay home tonight. Oharra: would rather - ek ez du \ldblquote to hartzen nahien io. preferred

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > nahiago izan

  • 16 oin

    a. Anat. foot; \oinak feet; \oin okerra dauka he's got a {lame || crooked} foot
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] foot-; \oin-hotsak aditu zituen he heard footsteps
    c. (esa.) \oin geldiko bizimodu ederra a sedentary lifestyle ; \oin-\oinean ibili dira they're hot on each other's heels; \oin azpian zapaldu to tread underfoot; \oin hutsez on foot | walking
    a. ( animaliena) foot; erbiaren \oin hare's foot
    b. ( oheari d.) foot
    a. ( oinarria) base, foundation
    b. ( mendiari d.) base, foot; mendiaren \oinean gelditu ziren they stopped at the foot of the mountain
    c. ( arbola, gurutzea) foot; Gernikako Arbolaren \oinean at the foot of the Tree of Gernika; gurutzearen \oinean at the foot of the cross
    d. ( orrialdeari d.) foot
    4. ( neurri, h.g. oinbete) foot (= 30, 4 cm) \oin karratu square foot
    5. ( kapitala) startup capital
    6. ( bertsoari d.) foot
    7. ( kokapena) \oin oneko soroak dira gureak our fields are in a good location
    8. ( estaia, solairua) lehen \oin first floor (GB), second floor (USA)
    9. ( belaunaldia) generation; \oinetik \oinra from generation to generation
    10. ( erritmoa) rate; \oin honetan ez gara sekulan helduko we'll never get there at this rate
    a. ( funtsa) basis, grounds; \ointzat hartu to take as a basis
    b. (irud.) \oin makalak ditu uste horrek that conviction has a flimsy basis
    12. (G) ( oinetakoa) footwear
    13. ( aukera) occasion

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > oin

  • 17 proportzio

    1. ( heina) proportion; garaieraren eta zabaleraren arteko \proportzioa the proportion between height and width
    2. Mat. proportion
    iz. ( aukera, abagunea) chance

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > proportzio

  • 18 txarki

    iz. the bad thing, poor quality; slovobiar zapaten \txarkiak exportatzeko aukera hondatu zuen the shoddy quality of Slovobian shoes ruined chances of export adb. bad, badly; \txarki dabiltza they're having a bad time

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > txarki

  • 19 une

    1. moment; \une batez for a moment; zaila da \une berean bi tokitan egotea it is difficult to be in two places at the same time; \une bateko atsegina momentary pleasure; \unerik galdu gabe without wasting a moment
    2. ( abagunea, aukera) moment, time; heldu da ekiteko \unea the moment for action has arrived
    3. ( tartea) space, gap

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > une

См. также в других словарях:

  • Aukera Guztiak — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Aukera Guztiak Fundación Elecciones al Parlamento Vasco de 2005 Ideología política …   Wikipedia Español

  • Aukera Guztiak — (AG) (en euskera significa Todas las opciones) fue una agrupación electoral surgida en 2005 para presentarse a las elecciones autonómicas del 17 de abril en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca. Sus promotores se definieron como una agrupación de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • ETA — Infobox militant organization name = Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, (ETA) caption = ETA symbol dates = 1959–present leader = Mikel Garikoitz Aspiazu Rubina Txeroki Fact|date=February 2008 motives = The creation of an independent socialist Basque Country… …   Wikipedia

  • Batasuna — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Batasuna Portavoz Arnaldo Otegi …   Wikipedia Español

  • Batasuna — ( Unity in Basque language) is a Basque nationalist political organization based mainly in Spain, declared illegal, but with a French presence (Basque Country). They were outlawed on the charges of being the political branch of ETA and funding it …   Wikipedia

  • Batasuna — Partei­vorsitzender Arnaldo Otegi …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Herri Batasuna — Die Neutralität dieses Artikels oder Abschnitts ist umstritten. Eine Begründung steht auf der Diskussionsseite. Flagge der Batasuna bis 2003 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Batasuna — Logo officiel Présentation Porte parole Arnaldo Otegi Fondation 23 mai 2001 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Euskal Herritarrok — Batasuna Drapeau de Herri Batasuna HB Communauté autonome du Pays basque …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Aberzale — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Aberzale es un término castellano tomado del euskera abertzale , que en dicha lengua significa patriota (literalmente, «amante de la patria» o «partidario de la patria») y proviene de la fusión del término aberri… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Autodeterminaziorako Bilgunea — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Autodeterminaziorako Bilgunea Fundación Elecciones a las Juntas Generales del País Vasco de 2003, elecciones al Parlamento de Navarra de 2003 …   Wikipedia Español

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